Going to the North

The North is not only boundless ice, wind, and low temperatures, but also Snow Buntings, Long-tailed Ducks, Narwhals, Geese, and Finwhals. If you have no idea what all this means, then dress warmer, we are going on an expedition beyond the Arctic Circle!

Loading cold

{{ currentAnimal.infoHover }}

{{ currentAnimal.animalNotify }}

{{ currentAnimal.infoHover }}

{{ currentAnimal.animalNotify }}

{{ currentAnimal.infoHover }}

{{ currentAnimal.animalNotify }}

{{ currentAnimal.infoHover }}

{{ currentAnimal.animalNotify }}

{{ currentAnimal.infoHover }}

{{ currentAnimal.animalNotify }}

{{ currentAnimal.infoHover }}

{{ currentAnimal.animalNotify }}

{{ currentAnimal.infoHover }}

{{ currentAnimal.animalNotify }}

{{ currentAnimal.infoHover }}

{{ currentAnimal.animalNotify }}

{{ currentAnimal.infoHover }}

{{ currentAnimal.animalNotify }}

{{ currentAnimal.infoHover }}

{{ currentAnimal.animalNotify }}

{{ completedTasks * 10 }}
Tasks performed
{{ completedTasks }} / {{ animals.length }}
{{ currentAnimal.name }}

{{ currentAnimal.infoNotify }}

Game rules

{{ stepRules }}/3

{{ currentAnimal.infoHover }}

Watch the animal panel on the left. If someone has an orange frame, they need help.

Find the animal before its icon is completely orange. The radar will help you find it on the map.

When you find the animal, complete the task by clicking on it.

{{ resultText[resultTextCurrent].title }}
{{ currentAnimal.infoHover }}

Thanks for all your research help!
The area is surrounded by unique flora and fauna.